Kens World Directory
Step into the magical world of digital marketing,only takes 2 minutes to get registered.
We provide information for businesses on the internet.
We are not affiliated with this company.
Our service offers a speedy way of finding information for businesses on the internet. Not all companies have had the time or money to optimize their businesses on the internet, thus they may be difficult to find or at least take time to find. We provide a time saving service.
Ebay Information .
We also provide a value added service providing:
- A time saving service as some companies make their contact details difficult to find.
- Company information, a shopping and auction website for people and businesses selling products and services
- .Headquarters San Jose, California.
- Wikipedia links for further information
- Address
- :Hotham House 1 Heron Square Richmond Surrey TW9 1EJ
Company Info
eBay is an internet business,based in America.
Ebay is a Consumer-to-consumer online auction website business.
People and businesses buy and sell a variety of goods.
Operations in over thirty countries.
Founded in 1995.
How we add value
We are not affiliated with this company.
Our service offers a speedy solution for find businesses information on the internet. Not all companies have had the time or money to optimize their businesses on the internet, thus they may be difficult to find or at least take time to find. We provide a time saving service.
About Us/Terms
We provide businesses' information. We are not associated or affiliated with the company or government body you are searching for. We are therefore unable to pass messages on, or answer any questions relating to their business Our service offers a speedy time saving solution to finding information. Our Directory is monitored constantly making sure we provide an accurate up to date data base of business information. If you need our service please email us